Fully owned by William Grant & Sons, a fifth-generation Scottish family distiller


Sailor Jerry has enormous respect for Mrs. Louise Collins and her ongoing commitment to protect and further Norman ‘Sailor Jerry’ Collins’ legacy.

In 1973, after the death of Norman Collins, Mrs Collins contacted Mike Malone and asked if he was interested in buying Norman Collins’ tattoo business, including the intellectual property and brand assets. She explained that it was always Norman Collins’ wish that one of his protégés should take custody of his legacy. Mr Malone agreed, paid Mrs Collins a fair price and became the owner of all the rights associated with Norman Collins’ business, the Sailor Jerry name and related artwork. His ownership of those assets and his custodianship of Norman Collins’ legacywas well known in the tattoo community for many years.

30 years later, in 2003, Mr Malone (and, by that time, his co-custodian, Mr Ed Hardy) sold the Sailor Jerry brand to Quaker City Mercantile (formerly known as Gyro). Then, in 2008, it was sold to the current owners.

The various transfers of ownership from Mike Malone and Ed Hardy to Quaker City Mercantile and, ultimately to the current owners, were all done in good faith and with the usual due diligence about the history ofthe brand and its ownership.

Quaker City Mercantile and Sailor Jerry Ltd continue to work closely together to ensure that Norman Collins’ legacy is absolutely respected and cherished. It is one of the reasons why Sailor Jerry the brand is loved all over the world.